
The Archive “Fernando de Castro” is a collection of documents and objects of extraordinary scientific value of Ferdando de Castro, one of the most distinguished disciples of the Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Nobel Laureate in Medicine in 1906. The key scientific achievement of Fernando de Castro ‐ among others ‐ was the description of the anatomical basis of the cardio‐respiratory reflex, which led to description of chemoception.

One of the most important sections of the Archive is the collection of more than 300 original drawings of Fernando de Castro, in combination with a high number of sketches from which it is possible to study the drawing technique from the microscope to publication. The Archive also contains dozens of original drawings by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Pío del Río-Hortega (the disciple of Cajal who defined two out of the four main types of neural cells –oligodendroglia and microglia), Nicolás Achúcarro (disciple of Alzheimer and one of the founders of modern neurology) and Luis Simarro (who thought Cajal the Golgi method).

The objective of Neurodrawings is to make the knowledge and art contained in the drawings of the Archive “Fernando de Castro” accessible to present and future generations of neuroscientists as well as to the general public.

Neurodrawings is coordinated by Neurek SL, a spin-off company of the Fundación del Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos founded by active neuroscientists. Neurodrawings was partly supported by a 2012 European Neuroscience History Project grant from the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS).

For questions, comments, authorizations to reproduce the drawings and any other issue, please contact neurodrawings@neurek.com